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Hospital Security Command Center: Winsted Console Design of the Month

November 16, 2021

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Render - Winsted November 2021

Katie McEvoy and our outside sales team were asked to assist with the design of a two-officer console for a hospital. They requested an L-shape console to fit in the corner of the 12'x12' room. Two operators needed space to operate the various systems that secure the hospital campus. Each operator needs to view two 50” monitors with computer storage space beneath the console. Assembly by Winsted was requested in order to expedite installation on behalf of the end user's security integrator.

The specification required that the monitors be mounted vertically, as shown in the picture below. Winsted said vertical mounting can be accomplished easily, however it isn’t recommended due to ergonomic considerations which could cause neck strain- ultimately we designed the console with the monitors side by side, not stacked.

Original Design Request

        Image 1 - Winsted November 2021


Revised Design After Ergonomic Considerations

Image 3 - Winsted November 2021


Final Project Rendering

Render - Winsted November 2021

Assembly Scope of Work Outline

   Winsted Installation Scope of Work Outline


Download the design considerations guide here >>

    Winsted Control Room Considerations Guide - flat magazine


Contact us for control room design assistance >>





Topics: Your Challenge, Our Solution, Manufacturing Excellence, soc, command center, winsted, security operations center, Control Room

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