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Mirasys: Open platform VMS overview

April 1, 2016

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mirasys_open_platform_thumbnail.pngMirasys remains one of the few independent, open platform Video Management Systems (VMS) in the world.

With direct SDK/API and ONVIF integration to hundreds of camera manufacturers, Mirasys remains a front runner in best of breed security solutions.

Never heard of Mirasys?  Check out this overview, then move on to more details below about ease of use for the system operator.


In this video, learn how Mirasys handles alarms. Automated alarm options are now available in version 7.5.1. Mirasys brings a powerful way to draw attention to alarms that are occurring in real-time, while showing the exact locations on the map. 



Storyboarding allows the user to create a video that auto switches from clip to clip providing a movie-like effect. Notes can be added to a SB that have the option of being showed like subtitles in a movie. This allows the person creating the video to draw the viewers attention to vital detail in the shot. Digital zoom is also available for forensic capabilities along with frame by frame and various speeds for reviewing. Drafts can be saved and even emailed to provide collaboration in storyboard editing and creation.


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