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MidChes on YouTube: nearing 50k views with over 160 helpful videos

Written by Matt Golueke | Sep 24, 2015 1:00:00 PM

We consume online videos and other content at a dizzying rate.  According to YouTube, they have over 1 billion users consuming millions of hours of video content per day.

While we have a relatively small existence in the YouTubeiverse, it is an important and relevant existance for security professionals.  Our channel is now reaching nearly 50k views.

Our content covers everything from general information, to project discussions, to technical security solutions. With some of our videos reaching well over 5,000 views, we're helping end users and security dealers around the globe design better security solutions that protect lives and property.

Take a spin through our YouTube channel below and check out what we have to offer. If we're missing a topic you'd like to see in a video, please let us know!

Check out our Facebook, Twiiter, and Blog here.